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How the Human Brain works - The Electron

 The brain is one of the most complex organs in the human body, with a connection between 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion synapses or neurons. One of the biggest mysteries of today’s science is how all these neurons and synapses communicate to give us unique personalities, skills, memories and behaviors.  Although scientists still do not fully understand how the brain works, there are numerous studies that have provided detailed information on how our cells work at the cellular level and how different parts of the brain control different activities in our body.

The Brain

 The human brain is undoubtedly one of nature's best creations.  This complex organ contains an estimated 100 billion nerve cells and dozens of different chemicals.  But what does it all mean?  And how does it affect our daily lives?  In today’s post, we’ll look at a brief description of how your brain works and what happens when things go wrong.

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